
Differences between a Blueprint object and a JSON dict

Blueprint classes have 2 attributes that are different than a static blueprint dict:

  1. Blueprint.entities

  2. Blueprint.tiles

Both of these are a EntityList and TileList, respectively. Both lists have all of the normal methods you would expect from lists:

blueprint = Blueprint()
blueprint.entities[0]           # __getitem__
blueprint.entities[1] = ...     # __setitem__
# TileLists are largely the same:
# etc...

However, they also posess some extra functions. Like most other blueprint attributes, they are type-checked to only accept EntityLike and Tile objects:

blueprint.entities.append(20)   # TypeError: Entry in EntityList must be an EntityLike
blueprint.tiles.append(30)      # TypeError: Entry in TileList must be a Tile

Their append() and insert() functions allow for a special shorthand, where you can specify the name of the entity you want to make followed by any keyword arguments (similar to new_entity()). This works on both EntityList and TileList:

from draftsman import Blueprint, Inserter, Tile

blueprint = Blueprint()
blueprint.entities.append("inserter", id = "test", tile_position = (14, 10))
assert isinstance(blueprint.entities[0], Inserter)
assert blueprint.entities[0].name == "inserter"
assert blueprint.entities[0].id == "test"
assert blueprint.entities[0].tile_position == {"x": 14, "y": 10}

# Insert is also similar with an additional positional argument:
blueprint.tiles.insert(0, "refined-hazard-concrete-left", position = (1, 1))
assert isinstance(blueprint.tiles[0], Tile)
assert blueprint.tiles[0].name == "refined-hazard-concrete-left"
assert blueprint.tiles[0].position = {"x": 1, "y": 1}

blueprint.entities.append("any old string") # InvalidEntityError: 'any old string'

The append and insert functions also have an optional copy parameter, which determines whether or not to copy the passed-in entity:

inserter = Inserter("fast-inserter", tile_position=(0, 1))
blueprint.entities.append(inserter, copy=False)
inserter.stack_size_override = 1
assert inserter is blueprint.entities[-1]
assert blueprint.entities[-1].stack_size_override == 1

Note that this only works for the non-shorthand version; the shorthand always creates a new entity instance.

append and insert also have another optional parameter, merge, which indicates whether or not to try and merge entities placed inside a EntityCollection:

inserter = Inserter("fast-inserter")

blueprint.entities.append(inserter, merge=True) # This entity gets merged with the one above

assert len(blueprint.entities) == 1

For more info on entity merging, see Entity Merging.

EntityLists can also be indexed by string if there is a matching entity with that ID inside of the EntityList:

blueprint = Blueprint()
belt = TransportBelt("fast-transport-belt", id = "this works!")
assert blueprint.entities["this works!"].name == "fast-transport-belt"

This only works for entities because tiles have no IDs.

Manipulating Entities inside of Blueprints

Giving the user direct access to the entities list allows for very clear and flexible code. Sometimes, though, this flexibility can be a little too much. Consider the following illustration:

# Lets place a small power pole at the origin
# Now, let's place a inserter right next to it
blueprint.entities.append("inserter", tile_position = (1, 0))

# What if we do this?
blueprint.entities[0].name = "substation"
# This:
#   Now should raise an OverlappingEntitiesWarning because it intersects the inserter.
#   Changes the dimensions of the entire blueprint.
#   Might change the hashmap grid cells the entity is located in.
#   Might introduce invalid data states where an entity now has attributes it shouldn't.
# Also consider:
#   What if we had a connection between an entity and we moved it out of it's maximum
#   range? That should issue a ConnectionRangeWarning as well.
#   What about Rail signals, that can only exist adjacent to a rail entity? If we
#   happen to move one to an invalid position, we should throw another warning on top of
#   anything else.
#   In fact, this can be generalized to any entity that has some kind of restriction
#   on it; we need recheck all of these every time the object is altered!

Thats a lot of potential problems! Now, theoretically it should be possible to handle all of these cases properly, though handling them elegantly is a tougher problem. Currently, Draftsman sidesteps this by simply preventing the modification of the entity’s name after it has been created:

blueprint.entities[0].name = "substation" # AttributeError: can't set attribute 'name' is special in that it can intoduce data in the wrong entity, which is scary enough that I have disabled modification of it after initialization entirely. Others, such as entity.position can be modified, but not while they currently exist in an EntityCollection. Most attributes are not like this however, and the majority can be modified even when placed inside an EntityCollection; only an important, select few are restricted in this way. A complete list of all attributes that are ‘guarded’ like this and their reasons are provided below:

Immutable Entity Attributes



  • New entity could have data it shouldn’t(!)

  • New entity dimension has potential to occupy other entities’ space

  • New entity dimension might change dimensions of parent blueprint

  • Might exist in the incorrect hashmap grid cells

Restricted Entity Attributes



entity.position or
  • New position has potential to occupy other entities’ space

  • New position might change dimensions of parent blueprint

  • Might exist in the incorrect hashmap grid cells

entity.direction (if applicable)

  • New direction (if non-square) might occupy other entities’ space

  • New position might change dimensions of parent blueprint

  • Might exist in the incorrect hashmap grid cells

The proper way to deal with modifying these parameters on an entity is to remove it, change its attribute, and then re-add it:

blueprint.entities.append("inserter", tile_position = (1, 0))

blueprint.entities.pop(0) # small-electric-pole
power_pole = ElectricPole("substation")
# This raises the correct warnings and errors in a much more predictable way,
# which makes the maintainer much happier :)