
Module of data formats, implemented as Schema objects. Used to validate and normalize data. Each one raises a SchemaError if the passed in data does not match the data format specified, which is usually wrapped with DraftsmanError.


Accepts an integer. Normalizes the type to futureint on Python 2.


Accepts an integer, or None. Normalizes the type to futureint on Python 2.


Accepts a string. Normalizes the type to a unicode string on Python 2.


Accepts a string, or None. Normalizes the type to a unicode string on Python 2.


Accepts data of the format [[float, float], [float, float]], or None. Used to store an axis-aligned bounding box where the first pair is the minimum coordinate and the second pair is the maximum coordinate.


Used to store color data for Blueprint labels, Locomotive colors, etc. Accepts data of the format

{"r": float, "g": float, "b": float, Optional("a"): float}


[float, float, float, Optional(float)]

or None. The second format is automatically normalized to the first. Raises an error if any of the floating point values are not in the range [0.0, 255.0].


The name and type of a signal, used for either circuits or item filters. Accepts data of the format

{"name": signal_name, "type": Or("item", "fluid", "virtual")}

or just the signal_name. All members are normalized to unicode strings on Python 2.


Same as SIGNAL_ID, but can also be None instead.


Same as SIGNAL_ID, but can also be a 32-bit int instead.


The comparison operations, used in circuit conditions and DeciderCombinator. Can be one of:

{">", "<", "=", "≥", "≤", "≠", None}

or expressed as Python language equivalents:

{">", "<", "==", ">=", "<=", "!=", None}

Entries in the second format are automatically converted to the first format.


The arithmetic operations, used in ArithmeticCombinator. Can be one of:

{"*", "/", "+", "-", "%", "^", "<<", ">>", "AND", "OR", "XOR", None}

Strings specified in lowercase are automatically converted to uppercase on validation.


A general circuit condition, used for circuit conditions and logistic conditions.

    Optional("first_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
    Optional("second_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
    Optional("comparator"): COMPARATOR,
    Optional("constant"): int,

The format of a Blueprint or BlueprintBook icon, which helps visually distinguish them.

    "index": int,
    "signal": SIGNAL_ID,

Raises an error if "index" is not in the range [1, 4].


A list of ICON objects, or None. Can be specified as:

[{"index": int, "signal": {"name": signal_name, "type": signal_type}}, ...]

Or more succinctly as:

[signal_name, signal_name, ...]

where the signal types are inferred and their index is the signal’s position in the original list. Raises an error if the length of the list is greater than 4.


A way of specifying a reference between two entities. Used primarily in wire/circuit connections, but also used in Locomotive train schedules as well. Specified as:

Or(int, EntityLike)

The Factorio blueprint string format uses ints to determine what entity it’s talking about, where the value represents the index of the entity in the master entities list. However, this is not very flexible when actively creating a blueprint, as inserting an entity at the beginning of the list destroys the meaning of all connections after it. Alternatively, Draftsman supports association by reference, where you pass the EntityLike that you want to link to directly. This solves the aforementioned problem, and allows you to query the connected entity in such a way that it always stays up to date. When a Blueprint is exported, these associations are converted to regular integers just-in-time to comply with the format.


A single circuit connection object. Must point to another entity via "entity_id"; can optionally specify what side of the entity that it connects to, if that entity has multiple connection points.

{"entity_id": ASSOCIATION, Optional("circuit_id"): Or(1, 2)}

A single power connection object. Used exclusively for PowerSwitch in the base game, as copper wire connections. Must point to an entity via "entity_id"; can optionally specify what power side of the target entity is connected to, though in practice this is always 0.

{"entity_id": ASSOCIATION, Optional("wire_id"): Or(0, 1)}


Because copper wire connections exist in the connections structure, they actually dont count towards power pole neighbours. This means that you can have as many copper wire connection points as you want, even if a power pole is already connected to 5 others.


The format of an entity’s circuit connections.

    Optional("1"): {
        Optional("red"):   [CIRCUIT_CONNECTION_POINT, ...],
        Optional("green"): [CIRCUIT_CONNECTION_POINT, ...],
    Optional("2"): {
        Optional("red"):   [CIRCUIT_CONNECTION_POINT, ...],
        Optional("green"): [CIRCUIT_CONNECTION_POINT, ...],
    Optional("Cu0"): [POWER_CONNECTION_POINT, ...],
    Optional("Cu1"): [POWER_CONNECTION_POINT, ...],

"1" or "2" specifies the side of the host entity that is connected; this defaults to "1" on entities that have only one connection point. "red" or "green" specify the color of the connected wire on that particular side. Each entry is a list of one or more connection points, as specified above. If None is passed in, the validation will default to an empty dict.


The format of an entity’s power-pole neighbours. This is only used in ElectricPole.


If None is passed in, the validation will default to an empty list.


Format for signal values, used by ConstantCombinator.

    "index": int,           # The location of the entry
    "signal": SIGNAL_ID,    # Which signal
    "count": int            # Value of the signal

Format for a set of signal values, used by ConstantCombinator. Can be specified in the format:


Or, more succinctly:

[(signal_name, signal_count), (str, int), ...]

Where the "index" of an entry defaults to the index of the tuple in the list. Validation of the second format gets converted to the first format.


A filter entry in a InfinityContainer.

    "index": int,   # Which slot in the container
    "name": STRING, # Name of the item
    "count": int,   # Amount of the item
    "mode": Or("at-least", "at-most", "exactly") # Mode of behavior

"index" is the location in the container, "name" is the name of the item to filter, "count" is the amount, and "mode" is the manner in which the particular filter behaves.


A set of filter entries in a InfinityContainer.


Data format specifically for the InfinityContainer class.

    Optional("remove_unfiltered_items"): bool,
    Optional("filters"): INFINITY_FILTERS

Data format specifically for the InfinityPipe class.

    Optional("name"): STRING,
    Optional("percentage"): int, # Where 100 is 100%
    Optional("mode"): Or("at-least", "at-most", "exactly", "add", "remove"),
    Optional("temperature"): int, # In the range [0, 1000]

Parameters structure for ProgrammableSpeaker.

    Optional("playback_volume"): float,
    Optional("playback_globally"): bool,
    Optional("allow_polyphony"): bool, # Allows multiple sounds to play at once

Alert parameters structure for ProgrammableSpeaker.

    Optional("show_alert"): bool,
    Optional("show_on_map"): bool,
    Optional("icon_signal_id"): SIGNAL_ID, # Icon to show on alert
    Optional("alert_message"): six.text_type,

Control behavior structure.


Currently this is used for all entities with a control behavior. Ideally a each entity type would have a unique control behavior constant, but for now they exist as a single constant.

    # Circuit condition
    Optional("circuit_enable_disable"): bool,
    Optional("circuit_condition"): CONDITION,
    # Logistic condition
    Optional("connect_to_logistic_network"): bool,
    Optional("logistic_condition"): CONDITION,
    # Transport Belts
    Optional("circuit_read_hand_contents"): bool,
    # Mining Drills
    Optional("circuit_read_resources"): bool,
    # Inserters
    Optional("circuit_contents_read_mode"): int,
    Optional("circuit_hand_read_mode"): int,
    # Filter inserters
    Optional("circuit_mode_of_operation"): int,
    Optional("circuit_set_stack_size"): bool,
    Optional("stack_control_input_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
    # Train Stops
    Optional("read_from_train"): bool,
    Optional("read_stopped_train"): bool,
    Optional("train_stopped_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
    Optional("set_trains_limit"): bool,
    Optional("trains_limit_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
    Optional("read_trains_count"): bool,
    Optional("trains_count_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
    # Rail signals
    Optional("red_output_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
    Optional("yellow_output_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
    Optional("green_output_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
    Optional("blue_output_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
    # Roboports
    Optional("read_logistics"): bool,
    Optional("read_robot_stats"): bool,
    Optional("available_logistic_output_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
    Optional("total_logistic_output_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
    Optional("available_construction_output_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
    Optional("total_construction_output_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
    # Lamps
    Optional("use_colors"): bool,
    # Arithmetic Combinators
    Optional("arithmetic_conditions"): {
        Optional("constant"): int,
        Optional("first_constant"): int,
        Optional("first_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
        Optional("operation"): OPERATION,
        Optional("second_constant"): int,
        Optional("second_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
        Optional("output_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
    # Decider Combinators
    Optional("decider_conditions"): {
        Optional("constant"): int,
        Optional("first_constant"): int,
        Optional("first_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
        Optional("comparator"): COMPARATOR,
        Optional("second_constant"): int,
        Optional("second_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
        Optional("output_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,
        Optional("copy_count_from_input"): bool,
    # Constant Combinators
    Optional("filters"): SIGNAL_FILTERS,
    # Programmable Speakers
    Optional("circuit_parameters"): {
        Optional("signal_value_is_pitch"): bool,
        Optional("instrument_id"): int,
        Optional("note_id"): int,
    # Accumulators
    Optional("output_signal"): SIGNAL_ID,

Item filter entry. Used in FilterInserter and Loader.

    "index": int
    "name": STRING,

Set of item filters. Used in FilterInserter and Loader. Can be specified in the format:


Or, more succinctly as:

[item_name, str, ...]

where the filter’s "index" is determined by it’s position in the list. Validation of the second format is automatically converted to the first format.


Set of item filters for an inventory object, used in CargoWagon.

    Optional("filters"): FILTERS,
    Optional("bar"): int,

If None is passed in, the validation will default to an empty dict.


List of request filters.


This is most likely to change in a future version.

[(STRING, int), ...]

A train schedule wait-condition.

    "type": Or(
    "compare_type": Or("or", "and"),    # Comparison with the previous wait-condition
    Optional("ticks"): int,             # Amount of time to wait if specified
    Optional("condition"): CONDITION,   # Circuit condition if specified

A train schedule.

    Optional("locomotives"): [ASSOCIATION, ...],
    "schedule": [
            "station": STRING,
            Optional("wait_conditions"): [WAIT_CONDITION, ...]

A set of train schedules.