
class Inserter(name: str = 'burner-inserter', **kwargs: dict)

Bases: StackSizeMixin, CircuitReadHandMixin, InserterModeOfOperationMixin, CircuitConditionMixin, LogisticConditionMixin, ControlBehaviorMixin, CircuitConnectableMixin, DirectionalMixin, Entity

An entity that can move items between machines.


In Factorio, the Inserter prototype includes both regular and filter inserters. In Draftsman, inserters are split into two different classes, Inserter and FilterInserter

classmethod dump_format() dict

Dumps a JSON-serializable representation of the Entity’s exports dictionary, primarily for user interpretation.


A JSON dictionary containing the names of each valid key, a short description of their purpose, and whether or not they’re considered optional.

get() Entity | list[Entity]


classmethod get_format() str

Produces a pretty string representation of meth:dump_format. Work in progress.


A formatted string that can be output to stdout or file.


Gets the world-space coordinates AABB that completely encompasses the collision_set of this SpatialLike. Behaves similarly to the old function get_area(), except now it correctly handles non-AABB collision shapes.

get_world_collision_set() CollisionSet

Get’s the world-space coordinate CollisionSet of the object, or the collection of all shapes that this EntityLike interacts with.


A new CollisionSet with it’s content’s copied.

mergable_with(other: Entity) bool

Checks to see if an entity is “mergable” with another entity. This means that if a certain set of criteria is met, the attributes of other will be combined to the attributes of this entity. This is useful for mimicking cases where entities of the same name and type are placed on top of each other, merging them together into a single entity with shared attributes.

For the full list of all merging rules, see (TODO).


This function does not actually merge the two, it simply checks to see if such a merge is considered valid. To actually merge two entities use merge().


other – The other EntityLike to check against.


True if they can be merged, False otherwise.

merge(other: Entity) None

Changes the attributes of the calling entity with the attributes of the passed in entity. The attributes of other take precedence over the attributes of the calling entity. They can be either copied or merged together, depending on the specific attribute being merged.

For the full list of all merging rules, see (TODO).


other – The other EntityLike to merge with.

on_insert(parent: EntityCollection) None


on_remove(parent: EntityCollection) None


remove_circuit_condition() None

Removes the circuit condition of the Entity. Does nothing if the Entity has no circuit condition to remove.

remove_logistic_condition() None

Removes the logistic condition of the Entity. Does nothing if the Entity has no logistic condition to remove.

set_circuit_condition(a: str | None = None, cmp: str = '<', b: str | int = 0) None

Sets the circuit condition of the Entity.

cmp can be specified as stored as the single unicode character which is used by Factorio, or you can use the Python formatted 2-character equivalents:

# One of:
[">", "<", "=",  "≥",  "≤",  "≠"]
# Or, alternatively:
[">", "<", "==", ">=", "<=", "!="]

If specified in the second format, they are converted to and stored as the first format.

  • a – The string name of the first signal.

  • cmp – The operation to use, as specified above.

  • b – The string name of the second signal, or some 32-bit constant.


DataFormatError – If a is not a valid signal name, if cmp is not a valid operation, or if b is neither a valid signal name nor a constant.

set_logistic_condition(a: str | None = None, cmp: str = '<', b: str | int = 0) None

Sets the logistic condition of the Entity.

cmp can be specified as stored as the single unicode character which is used by Factorio, or you can use the Python formatted 2-character equivalents:

# One of:
[">", "<", "=",  "≥",  "≤",  "≠"]
# Or, alternatively:
[">", "<", "==", ">=", "<=", "!="]

If specified in the second format, they are converted to and stored as the first format.

  • a – The string name of the first signal.

  • cmp – The operation to use, as specified above.

  • b – The string name of the second signal, or some 32-bit constant.


DataFormatError – If a is not a valid signal name, if cmp is not a valid operation, or if b is neither a valid signal name nor a constant.

to_dict() dict

Converts the Entity to its JSON dict representation. The keys returned are determined by the contents of the exports dictionary and their criteria functions.

A attribute from the Entity will be included as a key in the output dict if both of the following conditions are met:

  1. The attribute is in the exports dictionary

  2. The associated criteria function is either not present or returns True. This is used to avoid including excess keys, keeping Blueprint string size down.

In addition, a second function may be provided to have a formatting step to alter either the key and/or its value, which gets inserted into the output dict.


The exported JSON-dict representation of the Entity.

property circuit_connectable: bool

Whether or not this EntityLike can be connected using circuit wires. Not exported; read only.



property circuit_stack_size_enabled: bool

Sets if the inserter’s stack size is controlled by circuit signal.


Gets whether or not the circuit stack size is enabled, or None if not set.


Sets whether or not the circuit stack size is enabled. Removes the key if set to None.




TypeError – If set to anything other than a bool or None.

property circuit_wire_max_distance: int

The maximum distance that this entity can reach for circuit connections. Not exported; read only.



property collision_mask: set

The set of all collision layers that this Entity collides with, specified as strings. Equivalent to Factorio’s data.raw equivalent. Not exported; read only.



property collision_set: CollisionSet


property connect_to_logistic_network: str

Whether or not this entity should use it’s logistic network condition to control its operation (if it has one).


Gets the value of connect_to_logistic_network, or None if not set.


Sets the value of connect_to_logistic_network. Removes the key if set to None.




TypeError – If set to anything other than a bool or None.

property connections: dict

Connections dictionary. Primarily holds information about the Entity’s circuit connections (as well as copper wire connections).


See draftsman.signatures.CONNECTIONS


DataFormatError – If set to anything that does not match the format of draftsman.signatures.CONNECTIONS.

property control_behavior: dict

The control_behavior of the Entity.


Gets the control_behavior.


Sets the control_behavior. Gets set to an empty dict if set to None.


See draftsman.signatures.CONTROL_BEHAVIOR


DataFormatError – If set to anything that does not match the CONTROL_BEHAVIOR signature.

property direction: Direction

The direction that the Entity is facing. An Entity’s “front” is usually the direction of it’s outputs, if it has any.

For some entities, this attribute may be redundant; for example, the direction value for an AssemblingMachine only matters if the machine has a fluid input or output.

Raises DirectionWarning if set to a diagonal direction. For 8-way rotations, ensure that the Entity inherits EightwayDirectionalMixin.


Gets the direction that the Entity is facing.


Sets the direction of the Entity. Defaults to Direction.NORTH if set to None.



  • DraftsmanError – If the direction is set while inside an Collection, which is forbidden.

  • ValueError – If set to anything other than a Direction, or its equivalent int.

property double_grid_aligned: bool

Whether or not this EntityLike is “double-grid-aligned”, which applies to a number of rail entities. Not exported; read only.



property dual_circuit_connectable: bool

Whether or not this EntityLike has two circuit connection points. Not exported; read only.



property dual_power_connectable: bool

Whether or not this EntityLike has two power connection points. Not exported; read only.



property flippable: bool

Whether or not this entity can be mirrored in game using ‘F’ or ‘G’. Not exported; read only.


Work in progress. May be incorrect, especially for modded entities.

property global_position: dict

The “global”, or root-most position of the Entity. This value is always equivalent to position(), unless the entity exists inside an EntityCollection. If it does, then it’s global position is equivalent to the sum of all parent positions plus it’s own position. For example, if an Entity exists within a Group at position (5, 5) and the Group exists at (5, 5), the global_position of the Entity will be (10, 10).

This is used to get an entity’s “actual” position in a blueprint, used when adding to a SpatialHashMap and when querying the entity by region. This attribute is always exported, but renamed to “position”; read only.


dict{"x": float, "y": float}

property hidden: bool

Whether or not this Entity is considered “hidden”, as specified in it’s flags in Factorio’s data.raw. Not exported; read only.


“Hidden” in this context is somewhat unintuitive, as items you might think would be considered hidden may not be. Ship wreckage entities, for example, are not considered “hidden”, even though the only way to access them is with the editor. Keep this in mind when querying this attribute, especially since this discrepancy might be considered a bug later on.



property id: str

A unique string ID associated with this entity. ID’s can be anything, though there can only be one entity with a particular ID in an EntityCollection. Not exported.


Gets the ID of the entity, or None if the entity has no ID.


Sets the ID of the entity.



  • TypeError – If the set value is anything other than a str or None.

  • DuplicateIDError – If the ID is changed while inside an EntityCollection to an ID that is already taken by another entity in said EntityCollection.

property mode_of_operation: InserterModeOfOperation

The behavior that the inserter should follow when connected to a circuit network.


Gets the mode of operation, or None if not set.


Sets the mode of operation. Removes the key if set to None.




ValueError – If set to a value that cannot be interpreted as a valid InserterModeOfOperation.

property name: str

The name of the entity. Must be a valid Factorio ID string. Read only.



property override_stack_size: int

Sets an inserter’s stack size override. Will use this unless a circuit stack size is set and enabled.


Gets the overridden stack size.


Sets the overridden stack size.





property parent: EntityCollection

The parent EntityCollection object that contains the entity, or None if the entity does not currently exist within an EntityCollection. Not exported; read only.



property position: Vector

The “canonical” position of the Entity, or the one that Factorio uses. Positions of most entities are located at their center, which can either be in the middle of a tile or on it’s transition, depending on the Entity’s tile_width and tile_height.

position can be specified as a dict with "x" and "y" keys, or more succinctly as a sequence of floats, usually a list or tuple. position can also be specified more verbosely as a Vector instance as well.

This property is updated in tandem with tile_position, so using them both interchangeably is both allowed and encouraged.


Gets the position of the Entity.


Sets the position of the Entity.



  • IndexError – If the set value does not match the above specification.

  • DraftsmanError – If the entities position is modified when inside a EntityCollection, which is forbidden.

property power_connectable: bool

Whether or not this EntityLike can be connected using power wires. Not exported; read only.



property read_hand_contents: bool

Whether or not this Entity is set to read the contents of it’s hand to a circuit network.


Gets the value of read_hand_contents, or None if not set.


Sets the value of read_hand_contents.




TypeError – If set to anything other than a bool or None.

property read_mode: ReadMode

The mode in which the contents of the Entity should be read. Either ReadMode.PULSE or ReadMode.HOLD.


Gets the value of read_mode, or None if not set.


Sets the value of read_mode.




ValueError – If set to anything other than a ReadMode value or their int equivalent.

property rotatable: bool

Whether or not this EntityLike can be rotated. Note that this does not mean that the entity will prevent a blueprint from rotating; more, that this EntityLike does not have a concept of different rotation angles. For example, any Reactor entity will always return rotatable as False when queried. Not exported; read only.



property stack_control_signal: dict

Specify the stack size input signal for the inserter if enabled.

Stored as a dict in the format {"name": str, "type": str}, where name is the name of the signal and type is it’s type, either "item", "fluid", or "signal".

However, because a signal’s type is always constant and can be inferred, it is recommended to simply set the attribute to the string name of the signal which will automatically be converted to the above format.


Gets the stack control signal, or None if not set.


Sets the stack control signal. Removes the key if set to None.



  • InvalidSignalID – If set to a string that is not a valid signal name.

  • DataFormatError – If set to a dict that does not match the dict format specified above.

property tags: dict

Tags associated with this Entity. Commonly used by mods to add custom data to a particular Entity when exporting and importing Blueprint strings.


Gets the tags of the Entity, or None if not set.


Sets the Entity’s tags.


dict{Any: Any}


TypeError – If tags is set to anything other than a dict or None.

property tile_height: int

The height of the entity in tiles, rounded up to the nearest integer. Not exported; read only.



property tile_position: Vector

The tile-position of the Entity. The tile position is the position according the the LuaSurface tile grid, and is the top left corner of the top-leftmost tile of the Entity.

tile_position can be specified as a dict with "x" and "y" keys, or more succinctly as a sequence of floats, usually a list or tuple.

This property is updated in tandem with position, so using them both interchangeably is both allowed and encouraged.


Gets the tile position of the Entity.


Sets the tile position of the Entity.



  • IndexError – If the set value does not match the above specification.

  • DraftsmanError – If the entities position is modified when inside a EntityCollection, which is forbidden.

property tile_width: int

The width of the entity in tiles, rounded up to the nearest integer. Not exported; read only.



property type: str

The type of the Entity. Equivalent to the key found in Factorio’s data.raw. Mostly equivalent to the type of the entity instance, though there are some differences, as noted here. Can be used as a criteria to search with in EntityCollection.find_entities_filtered(). Not exported; read only.

