
class Tile(name: str, position: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0))

Bases: SpatialLike

Tile class. Used for keeping track of tiles in Blueprints.


Gets the world-space coordinates AABB that completely encompasses the collision_set of this SpatialLike. Behaves similarly to the old function get_area(), except now it correctly handles non-AABB collision shapes.

get_world_collision_set() CollisionSet

Get’s the world-space coordinate CollisionSet of the object, or the collection of all shapes that this EntityLike interacts with.


A new CollisionSet with it’s content’s copied.

mergable_with(other: Tile) bool

Determines if two entities are mergeable, or that they can be combined into a single tile. Two tiles are considered mergable if they have the same name and exist at the same position


other – The other Tile to check against.


True if the tiles are mergable, False otherwise.

merge(other: Tile) None

Merges this tile with another one. Due to the simplicity of tiles, this does nothing, and is simply added for compatibility with entity merging.


other – The other tile to inherit data from, if such a thing were to happen.

to_dict() dict

Converts the Tile to its JSON-dict representation.


The exported JSON-dict representation of the Tile.

property collision_mask

A set of strings representing the collision layers that this object collides with.

property collision_set

Set of CollisionShape where the Entity’s position acts as their origin.

property global_position

Position of the object, expressed in global space (world space).

property name: str

The name of the Tile.

Must be one of the entries in draftsman.data.tiles.raw in order for the tile to be recognized as valid.


Gets the name of the Tile.


Sest the name of the Tile.




InvalidTileError – If the set name is not a valid Factorio tile id.

property position: dict

The position of the tile, in tile-grid coordinates.

position can be specified as a dict with "x" and "y" keys, or more succinctly as a sequence of floats, usually a list or tuple.

This property is updated in tandem with position, so using them both interchangeably is both allowed and encouraged.


Gets the position of the Entity.


Sets the position of the Entity.


dict{"x": int, "y": int}


IndexError – If the set value does not match the above specification.